Thursday 13 June 2013

Biology 12 - Pig Dissection Questions

During the dissection, some major interesting variables or factors that have been clearly had been seen in comparison to the anatomical of the visual of pig and the exact species for the dissection are the following:
  • The interior organs of the mammal pig 
  • The exterior and interior structures of the pig
It was pretty reasonable to me of the relative size of the pig and also the relative size of the pig needed during the dissection.On the contrary though, what really amazed me was the actual individual sizes of the various organs of the pig, as for instance was the liver and also the lungs had been once we had used the scalpel and incising scissors to carefully cut them open. Especially, the exterior had visually looked as if it had been plastered with plastic, and a smooth covering. The appendages as arms and legs looked quite small as well almost.

Here are the following  sample types of pictures:

Thursday 9 May 2013

SC: Biology 12 - Heart Anatomy/Blood Vessels Questions

SC: Biology 12 - Heart Anatomy/Blood Vessels Questions

Compare the following Information:

1.) Pulmonary Circulation

      In the Pulmonary process of circulation, it is only a fraction of the complete circulation process as the main, major blood vessels necessary in the process includes the Pulmonary Trunks or Arteries and the blood flow through the anatomical parts of the heart. First the deoxygenated blood travels from the various branches of veins throughout our body and the deoxygenated blood travels or is drained into upon entering the 2 major veins carrying into the heart. The Superior and Inferior Vena Cavas. Then the other functions of the process is that it is then stored the deoxygenated blood is at the Right Atrium and then is subjected into the Right Ventricle through the Atrioventricular valves, in this case tricuspid valves. It then travels into the Pulmonary trunk through semi-lunar valves where CO2 is in blood stream and O2 gets in the cells. The second major portion of the systemic Circulation is then applied as the O2 blood then goes into the Pulmonary Veins from the branched capillaries of the Alveoli where it is pushed out the left atrium and into the left ventricle, through semi lunar valves and finally through Aorta and is then travels through the arteries of the Subclavian and also other arteries and blood vessels.

1b.) By comparison of the following Blood Vessels below, is the main points. 
If the blood vessel of the Carotid Artery contains blood travelling after the oxygen is dropped off and used in the cellular life process. The deoxygenated blood travels into the Carotid Vein, including the blood cells and is drained into the main vein, the inferior vena cava

Sc:Biology 12 - Urinary/Excretion Video Response Q/A

Sc: Biology 12 Urinary/Excretion Questions

1.One particular question that I propose about the Excretion and the Urinary System is the following :
    Q - How would the process differ if there had only been one use or working kidney in one's body?

1.) Hypothetically, if an individual were to contain only one living organ of the kidney, and not another because of the contamination, the process of excretion, specifically urination process would be the following change,

Friday 26 April 2013

SC Biology 12 Heart Dissection Labelling lab pictures
And questions 
1 by comparing the atrium and the ventricles of both structures of the heart and the reason to the difference is mainly because of each of the functions.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Sc:Biology 12 - Intriguing facts and info Biological circulation?

SC Biology 12 Circulatory System/Circulation questions and answers 

1.) What is the primary significant difference between an Open Circulatory System and also a Closed Circulatory System?

        The significant definition of between the 2 different circulatory systems would be for the following distinctive reasons. According to the biological organs essential for a circulatory system is that for an open circulatory system there isn't a muscular organ of the heart or blood pumper and instead the blood vessels themselves act as muscular tissues and cells in moving the liquid blood through the organisms open circulatory tract. The blood vessels directly connect into areas of open sinuses which are then subjected to other interstitial fluids and then into the larger sinuses which where it leads to the internal organs. At which other vessels take in the blood and send into the pumping vessels of the organisms tract.

The open system isn't as efficient mainly because of the limited single tract linear of the blood vessels and the act of pumping the blood out and in requires a lot of motion of in pumping the blood out through certain sinuses and other appendages. There is also only a single tract in the circulation and blood travelling through partially.

The closed circulatory system is when the blood flows through closed arteries and closed veins with a muscular heart like organ with various number of chambers necessary to its survival.For a human being one distinction of how their circulatory system that is closed is different is primarily blood never leaves the place of network of blood vessels and is also throughout the organism and not in a single area for the circulatory tract. See this picture

Wednesday 3 April 2013

SC: Biology 12 - Vital Capacity Questions

SC: Biology 12 - Vital Capacity Questions

1.)  How does your vital capacity compare to others in the class? Describe some reasons why you think your vital capacity is what it is. Why are the highest and lowest vital capacities the way they are?

            My personal Vital Capacity that I have is at 3300  In conclusion, some of the reasons why my vital capacity is at what it is is mainly because of the factor of the propotion size of the lungs which can result in the voluminous space of lungs and also the increased volume of air travelling through the nasal passageway. In other words the size of the lungs organs in our body, which also relate to the thoracic cavity and long is the exhalation process. The reasons of why there can be real high and low vital capacities is because of the lung size and volume of air travelling throughou the nasal cavity and hrough trachea and furthermore. 

2.) How much air is in a usual breath? Why are our breaths the volume that they are?

     The amount of air that human beings have is at average at the volume of the following: are split according to gender. For Girls they can breathe out at or exhale at about 2.75L. And for boys, they can exhale about and around 4.1L. The reason why our samplings of breaths contain the volume that the have is mainly because of factors as body size in lungs, age of an individual and also gender. In relation to air the thickness or thinness or density of air as well can affect volume of air we can inhale and exhale.   

3.)  How is the mechanism of exhaling forcefully different than a usual exhalation? Why would practice at this via exercise/instrument playing/singing make you better at it?

      The mechanism of exhaling forcefully is different from exhaling at an usual pace is because that by one forcing air or exchanged air carbon dioxide outward causes lungs size proportoned to decrease and also causes the thoracic cavity, which is the intercostal muscles and rib cage. By increasing the srength of the diaphragm in outward exhaling. The reason why musical instrument playing is simpler for exhaling forcefully, is by using muscles and intercostal muscles and by forcing air out squeezing muscles and trying to make the thoracic cavity more contracted.  

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Sc Biology 12 Interims Report Card Questions Response

Sc Biology 12 Interim Report Questions 

1. An example of a positive learning experience that I had in the class would be once when I had written the first small quest on the digestive system. As I was in the process of writing the small quiz I had a strong pride and also confidence in myself after I had performed on the digestive quiz. It felt real positive and prideful that I have done a well job not only in relation to the conceptual understanding of biology but also in relation to my first academic assessment and overall performance on it.

2.  If I were to discuss my individual work ethics and or work habits it would be that it would be really good and excellent work habits almost regularly most of the times. I'm capable of being productive and realistic in making large increments in my own personal learning and steps in the process. In relation to completion of assignments and other assessments, in my biased opinion I most often hand in and complete daily assignments and tasks for the next day. I also most likely take full on responsibility for my own academic materials and assignments that I've missed or depending on the situation.

3.  During the classes of biology, in a variety of different tasks and other mini assessments and or projects, during the time at which I myself as along with other classmates, taught me essential fundamental skills as establishing confidence in work of divided work and also gaining powerful insight on how others ideas are on valuable projects thus bringing and developing my own contribution and efforts on collaborative projects and other assessments.

4. Some of my major academic goals that I have specifically have for this particular course of biology
 12 . would be to academically involved in class a lot more often and also prepare accordingly on major upcoming unit tests and other assessments, I especially want to develop also a strong conceptual thorough understanding and in order to pursue this goal it would require preserverance and involvement in class on a much higher level.

Monday 18 February 2013

1) The positive results of lab testing for the :
Lipids is that the food materials that cause a greasy stain and dry off after a period of time its considered positive if there is no remaining stain
Starch testing was analyzed to be positive because by looking at the colour change, if an object were to change to a dark black colour by reacting with the small drops of iodine indicates to the food sample that complex polymer molecules of starch are there in that particulsr food substance. For on the Simple Sugars Testing, by adding required amount of Chemical reagent Bennedict's reagent if the colour change of the food were to change to a yellowish brown indicated that was a Simple Sugar.

2) The basic components and or building blocks of Starch Molecules are A string or molecular chain of Glucose attached to the chain.

3) The scientific reason of why there had only been 2 positive results of test tube colour change to yellow and orange and the remaining 4 test tubes remained blue in the heated amount of beaker on the hotplate at certain temperature and why the reaction hadn't occured simultaneously with the previous positive test tube results is due to the complexity of the molecular substance including the complexity of the carbohydrate. The 1st two test tubes had weaker or less bonds of carbohydrates for reaction to occur with required heat and was easier to break.

4)  The food journey of a piece of food, a piece of pancake. The first stage of digestion process of experiment would start with the Ingestion at the mouth, including both the mechanical or physical breaking down the food into smaller shapes of food pieces and the 2nd part of ingestion the chemical digestion the accessory organs, salivary glands produce a specific enzyme salivary amylase which further reacts starch molecules to water producing maltose. After swallowing the small end part of food the Bolus, travels through the muscular stretchable tube the esophagus through the expand and contract of muscles involving peristaltic contractions. Goes through the Cardiac Sphincter .Then it reaches the stomach which peristalsis occurs there as well and due to the churning of the stomach
causes it to be turned to Chyme. As the food goes past the Pyloric Sphincter, the chyme enters through the duodenum where the other Acessory Organs, the Pancreas releases Insulin to control levels of glucose in body. The liver which empulsifies fats. As water is absorbed in feces going through the large intestine goes out through the anus after few minutes or time at the rectum. THus the journey of a small fatty simple sugar and starched food.

Thursday 31 January 2013

What is the Nervous System in the Body actually composed of?

What are nerve cells and more specifically Neurons in the Nervous System?

How actually does the Nervous System work on a cellular, microscopic level ?