Wednesday 3 April 2013

SC: Biology 12 - Vital Capacity Questions

SC: Biology 12 - Vital Capacity Questions

1.)  How does your vital capacity compare to others in the class? Describe some reasons why you think your vital capacity is what it is. Why are the highest and lowest vital capacities the way they are?

            My personal Vital Capacity that I have is at 3300  In conclusion, some of the reasons why my vital capacity is at what it is is mainly because of the factor of the propotion size of the lungs which can result in the voluminous space of lungs and also the increased volume of air travelling through the nasal passageway. In other words the size of the lungs organs in our body, which also relate to the thoracic cavity and long is the exhalation process. The reasons of why there can be real high and low vital capacities is because of the lung size and volume of air travelling throughou the nasal cavity and hrough trachea and furthermore. 

2.) How much air is in a usual breath? Why are our breaths the volume that they are?

     The amount of air that human beings have is at average at the volume of the following: are split according to gender. For Girls they can breathe out at or exhale at about 2.75L. And for boys, they can exhale about and around 4.1L. The reason why our samplings of breaths contain the volume that the have is mainly because of factors as body size in lungs, age of an individual and also gender. In relation to air the thickness or thinness or density of air as well can affect volume of air we can inhale and exhale.   

3.)  How is the mechanism of exhaling forcefully different than a usual exhalation? Why would practice at this via exercise/instrument playing/singing make you better at it?

      The mechanism of exhaling forcefully is different from exhaling at an usual pace is because that by one forcing air or exchanged air carbon dioxide outward causes lungs size proportoned to decrease and also causes the thoracic cavity, which is the intercostal muscles and rib cage. By increasing the srength of the diaphragm in outward exhaling. The reason why musical instrument playing is simpler for exhaling forcefully, is by using muscles and intercostal muscles and by forcing air out squeezing muscles and trying to make the thoracic cavity more contracted.  

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